Customer Reviews
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The text to speech software is easy to understand and super easy to use. Also MP3s can be easily created! Great!

Mason S.
Software handling easy and easy to understand for everyone!
Registry key received super fast!
We recommend! Any time!

Joanna S.
If there is stress and I do not know what to do first, then I just listen to longer documents during my lunch break! This saves a lot of overtime over the month!

For my needs really optimal, clearly structured and functional. Text to Voice Program is almost in daily use! Anyone who writes a lot and especially long texts is sometime blind to their own mistakes. Therefore I was looking for a system that reads texts to me reasonably well. But the product is just below perfect. By and large, the program works satisfactorily. Especially with numbers and abbreviations it makes mistakes, e.g. Numbers are displayed as seasons or sometimes as a month. Roman notes read the program as x or iv, not as 10 or 4. Some words like analysis were well taught to the program so that they are pronounced perfectly. Nevertheless: For my purpose, for the correction of texts, this is such a profit that I am angry that I have not bought it before. The language is saved as a large MP3 or several small MP3s.
I listen to the MP3s then and read the text on the computer. As a result, smaller errors are also noticeable; this method is very effective. It works well even if the program does not do the few things mentioned. I do not think that I would take it for the purpose of listening to foreign texts, but for authors and editors it is definitely recommended.

William C.
Have the Audio Reader XL purchased and I'm really happy with it. The program is extremely easy to use and you can really read all kinds of text formats. A praise!

Vivian G.
I was looking for a simple program that would read e-books and other texts to my visually impaired mother-in-law. I did not want to take any chances and tested the program first as a free trial. The installation was straightforward and worked right away. There are no unnecessary buttons to use, start and stop are big enough and easy to recognize. The function that the software also runs in the background and the cache is read out automatically is helpful and easy. Overall, it meets my requirements.
Therefore from me a clear recommendation.

Emma Sawyer
I bought the program because I cannot read so long! A real help for me in everyday life!

Indispensable for my studies! I can download long lyrics to the player as MP3 and listen to it while traveling to the university!

Elfie Breen
I am very satisfied with Audio Reader XL. Good English voice and very easy to use.

Marge W.
Actually a great program! However, I had to look for a different voice for the edition in English! Otherwise, top!

I can only recommend, really super handy, if you are really too lazy to read everything!

Sebastian P.
A great support for me as a visually impaired person! Thanks to the programmers of this text to speech software!

I think readers XL is an easy-to-use program, has a good voice and easy operation. I am happy.

Hannah Johnson
Great settings, so only the read what you want! Creating language files is also great!

Yorick M.
I get my mails read in the morning for breakfast, which saves valuable time!

John W.
Runs with me always in the background, so I need only copy the desired text to the clipboard and the program starts! Great thing! Thank you!

Ben F.
Since the program is so cheap, I bought it and tried it! Am thrilled! Works flawlessly!

Fiona K.
I am thrilled by Audio Reader XL, it exceeds my expectations! I can highly recommend. I also find it very good that texts can be read very easily. I use it professionally and privately. It's really nice to read the lyrics and close your eyes and that in great quality.

Johnny J.
I'm not the youngest anymore and had some questions at the beginning! Everything was answered very friendly! Good customer service!

I would have liked more votes to choose from! But unfortunately, other programs do not have that without it!

Gwendolyn E.
The text to speech reader perfectly suits me. At first I have tested much more expensive such programs, but this program has everything I need!

Am surprised, the text to speech software works great and I had no difficulties with the operation!

Joseph Sapporo
Randomly hit it and bought it as a gimmick! Now I never want to miss it anymore!

Eileen R.
Use the program on many occasions, both professionally and at leisure! Most of the creation of language files, I find helpful.

Even my children can be read from fairy tales on the PC, they find that very funny. I have worried, however, so that I do not have to read everything myself and so have my hands free!

Samuel Rowling
I use the text to speech program for learning for the school! Let me read questions and then with a pause in between the answer. If I know the answer before it is read, I know that I have prepared well!

Ferdie B.
First tested and then bought! Everything is right here! Simple operation and really a program that can be used on many occasions! Thank you!

Roger T.
The text to speech software reads too fast! Should that be improved, then as far as good!

Lisa Baker
Make me audiobooks with it and then on the couch and relax! Simply wonderful text to voice software!

Simon Z.
I think everyone who does not see so well, should look for such a helpful program! It makes handling the PC a lot easier!

A. Cunningham
A lot of programs promise much, but this one keeps its promises! Absolute recommendation!

I can't use this program, it says theres an error and I can't start it :(